Exceptional Service Delivery

of Yours Products/MVP/Apps

Don’t compromise your digital growth or startup journey by hiring a good enough software company. Go to the next level of organizing your product with Appsdeployer.


End-to-end product development

Appsdeployer integrates into your business as a cohesive team of product managers, developers, and designers. We contribute all our knowledge to bring value to the end-users and ensure your continuous growth


Lean Engineering

We cultivate genuine engineering culture focused on smooth scaling, easy maintenance, and clutch performance of your product.

  • Cross-functional teams
  • Pair programming
  • Wide test coverage
  • Frequent and consistent delivery

User-Centric Design

When working on designs, we tailor customer experiences that make a big impact and address problems of real people.

  • Conduct user research
  • Prototype and validate
  • Iterate fast

Product Management

Aiming at a product-market fit, we mix the highest niche standards with own management approaches to focus on things that matter and stay flexible when priorities change.

  • Conduct customer discovery
  • Define minimum viable product
  • Get users feedback
  • Decide based on data

Technology We Use


Our Product Cycle

Product management is not just about listening requirements but putting yourself in the shoes of end users and understand the pains he has, jobs he need to do and gains he can achieve to deliver Our best.

Stage 1

Ideation & Discoveryvector

Stage 2

Ideation & Discoveryvector

Stage 3

Ideation & Discoveryvector

Stage 4

Ideation & Discoveryvector

Stage 5

Ideation & Discoveryvector

Stage 6

Ideation & Discoveryvector

Ideation & Discovery

To evaluate a product idea, ensure its viability, and maximize chances of reaching a product-market fit, we created BRIDGeS — a unique product discovery framework grounded on 15 years of experience and dozens of tested tools. After only a 2-day BRIDGeS session, we get a clear product strategy, product roadmap, and a team aligned with all the contexts.

Prototype & Validation

To evaluate a product idea, ensure its viability, and maximize chances Don’t spend much time on prototypes as many of them won’t become products. We can build small solutions without a single line of code, design clickable mockups, or engineer a more complex proof of concept, depending on a situation. A product team focuses on getting feedback from the right audience, prioritizes improvements, and moves to the next stage, or gets back to the ideation.

Initial Development

During this stage, we combine our product management skills with front-line engineering experience to build a solid foundation for the future product. We thoroughly think through the tech stack, architecture, and design skeletons to ensure a future solution is easy to scale and maintain.

Alpha/Beta Stages

No matter how cool a product is, we don’t expect people to jump on it straightaway. Virality is a lottery, and there are other, more reliable, ways to grow. Alpha and Beta are necessary to attract early adopters, onboard them, and use their feedback to polish the solution.


The BRIDGeS framework allows us to shape a well-balanced minimum viable product that brings value to end-users and serves the main objectives of the business. At the same time, a range of marketing techniques, such as CustDev, research, surveys, etc., are used to elevate the chances of an MVP to reach a product-market fit.

Growing Product

Even though we always listen to our users, we realize that adding new features after first demand is a slippery path. Every request needs to be verified and double-checked. To ensure steady growth, we talk to a product audience, track metrics, run research, and test all the ideas and hypotheses with the BRIDGeS framework.


Discovery Session

We use proven decision-making framework BRIDGeS by Appsdeployer for product ideation to build the right thing from the beginning.

  • Get all stakeholders on the same page
  • Extract Get all stakeholders on the same page
  • Extract and arrange CustDev insights
  • Clarify and shape a product vision
  • Build a ready-to-use roadmap together


Prototype & Validate

We start with minimal solutions, like a technical proof of concept or clickable design prototypes to test hypotheses. This phase results become an important foundation for the further development steps.



Prototype & Validate

We start with minimal solutions, like a technical proof of concept or clickable design prototypes to test hypotheses. This phase results become an important foundation for the further development steps.



Development & Growth

Building a prototype is relatively easy but scaling a solution isn’t a piece of cake. As the product grows, so does the number of challenges it faces. Appsdeployer will walk you through all the stages from an idea/prototype to an MVP and a rapidly-growing product.

Development & Growth

Building a prototype is relatively easy but scaling a solution isn’t a piece of cake. As the product grows, so does the number of challenges it faces. Appsdeployer will walk you through all the stages from an idea/prototype to an MVP and a rapidly-growing product.
